Kamis, 27 Desember 2007

How to Become a Computer Programmer


Creating computer programs that people use everyday is just one of the many avenues that computer programmers can perform. Writing code, testing existing programs, troubleshooting and creating user manuals are other skills programmers possess. With today's broad spectrum of computer and high-tech needs, the computer programming field is wide open with possibilities for rewarding and fun jobs. Following are steps to help you find work in the computer programming field.


1 Step One

Obtain a degree in computer programming. This will enable you to work as a network technician, researcher, software engineer, or in project management and a host of other positions.

2 Step Two

Use your writing skills to break into the field of technical or documentation writing. Skilled technical writers are in great demand in the computer programming field. Learning how to do this kind of work is a great skill for programmers to add to their arsenal of abilities in order to work in various departments within a company.

3 Step Three

Determine whether you want to design, rather than just program, in the computer field. If so, you'll need at least a bachelor's degree in software engineering from a college or university.

4 Step Four

Arrange for on-the-job training whenever it is offered to you. Work in a Quality Assurance department in a company with a lot of software development.

5 Step Five

Consult with seasoned programmers. Ask questions. Most would be happy to share valuable tidbits learned during the course of their careers.

6 Step Six

Pick a programming language or two to learn from the multitude out there and then master them.

7 Step Seven

Plan to write code. Write Web applications, calendars, widgets, basically anything that is useful. Do this on a regular basis. Make it a habit to be able to debug and design, as these are both necessary skills for pretty much any job in the computer programming field.

How to Get a Job as a Software Engineer


While there is great demand for software engineers, there are a number of hurdles that must be cleared in order to land a good job.

Things You'll Need

  • Experience developing software
  • Passion for the industry
  • Communication skills
  • Innovative thinking


1 Step One

The first step is to have experience developing software. While you can certainly learn-as-you-go in terms of individual technology items, a basic grounding in software development is a must. In other words, it's quite possible to get a job where you will be coding in C# even if you only know C++, as demonstrated proficiency in one language can often convince a prospective employer that you can ramp-up in the new language quickly.

Experience with development methodologies and the base skills for software development are much more important that specific languages or platforms in landing a job. In other words, while already knowing a language or platform is often very helpful, not having the basics down is a clear deal-breaker.

Does this mean you're in a catch-22? You can't get a job without experience, but you can't get experience without a job. Interestingly, in the world of software development, this isn't the case! You can develop software on your own. In fact, most developers do, which leads to step 2.

2 Step Two

Have a passion for the industry. This is good advice for *any* industry, but in software development, it's especially true. If you're not keenly interested in development and improving your skills a prospective employer is going to know.

Microsoft has a question that they ask, internally, whenever a candidate goes through the interview loop: "Is this candidate a 'Microsoft hire?'" What they mean by that is, irrespective of the candidate's skills, is this someone who has a passion for the industry? Is this someone who could succeed at Microsoft doing anything in which they're qualified? Do they have the drive and passion that Microsoft wants in their developers?

Demonstrating that drive and passion goes a long way in convincing a prospective employer that not only will you get the job done, but that you'll go above and beyond because you want to.

3 Step Three

During the interview, be prepared to code on a whiteboard. If you can't listen to a problem, ask a few key questions, and bang out some code on the fly, work on your skills until you can. A good software development interview loop will have you doing this a few times. Don't be afraid to ask questions to clarify (sometimes the requirements are even vague to see if you will).

4 Step Four

Know what excites you and communicate that. As outlined in step two, prospective employers want to see a passion for the industry. They also want to see a passion for specific technologies to get a feel for what excites you. If you've done your research and know what the employer does, and you demonstrate a passion for their market segment, that's a big plus. Of course, be genuine. If you're not interested in what they do, don't interview there.

How to Determine if a Degree in Computer Science is Right For You


According to many news sources on the Internet, the overall enrollment in Computer Science degree programs has dramatically decreased over recent years due job competition (overseas and domestic), lower pay, and general disillusionment about future employment prospects. Although Forbes lists that fields in IT (Information Techology) are three out of the ten fastest-growing fields, this doesn't necessarily mean that a degree in Computer Science will give you a great advantage over less-demanding IT degrees. However, CompSci majors tend to earn more and are typically favored by employers compared to other IT majors with equal experience. Consider the following points before venturing into a Computer Science degree program.

Things You'll Need

  • An ability to tackle very difficult coursework.
  • A love for IT.
  • Research into the IT job market prior to enrolling.


1 Step One

Determine if you can handle the coursework. Although CompSci requires less advanced math and science courses than other Engineering disciplines, you can still expect to take at least three to four semesters of Calculus, Engineering Statistics, Linear Algebra, two to three semesters of Calculus-based Physics, a semester of Chemistry, and several other upper-level math and science electives. Despite having an aptitude with computers, many CompSci students also struggle with the programming and logic theory classes themselves, especially considering the number of hours each week required to complete programming lab work (by the time they are Juniors, CompSci students can expect to devote three to ten hours a week to writing code for a "1-hour" credit lab... and CompSci has more labs than most degrees). Due to the difficulty of the course work, many students do not finish their CompSci degrees in eight semesters. If you had a hard time passing Algebra classes in high school, or were a "slacker" when it came to doing your homework, then it is strongly advised that you consider another degree.

2 Step Two

Make sure that you are a true blue "technophile" before pursuing a CompSci degree. Students who make it to graduation with a degree in CompSci tend to share the same pre-college backgrounds; they started playing with computers at a very early age, they were prodigies in their high school programming classes (often knowing more than their teachers), and owned half of the inventory found in Best Buy stores by the time they were twenty years old. They tend to spend their free time doing the same things they do in class. Furthermore, many CompSci dropouts also tend to have something in common; they do not usually share this level of enthusiasm in this field with their geek counterparts. Although this does not disqualify anyone from being successful in a CompSci degree program, simply being able to design MySpace pages certainly does not mean they will breeze through it either.

3 Step Three

Think about the job title you want before enrolling. Most IT jobs do not REQUIRE a degree in CompSci (although it certainly helps). Employers tend to consider a candidate's on-the-job experience and knowledge of the technology at hand above all else. Although exceptions to this rule are typically some government IT jobs, scientific programming, academia, and IT positions in medical community, many employers will substitute on-the-job experience on a year-to-year basis in lieu of CompSci coursework if the position calls for a four-year degree in Computer Science. It would be a good idea to research the position you will want after you graduate before choosing a degree program. Make sure that the extra effort required by a CompSci degree program is needed for the role.

4 Step Four

Consider where you plan to live when you graduate. Although most towns have IT jobs, finding the juicy, high-paying positions that take the greatest advantage of the skill sets gained through a CompSci program can best be found in larger cities. Some smaller cities specialize in technology development, such as Fort Collins, Colorado and Huntsville, Alabama, but finding a "Senior Database Administrator" position in Smallville is about as likely as finding a "Surfboard Salesman" position in Quebec.

5 Step Five

Decide what environment you want to work in when you graduate. Many people in the workforce find the idea of spending their lives as a "cubical jockey" appalling, so take this in consideration when choosing a major. If you love IT, but do not think you can handle sitting in front of a computer screen all day, think about taking coursework that will help you find a "system administrator"-type position instead of a programming job. These types of positions are more hands-on by building servers, setting up desktops, running wire, configuring phone systems, and installing and monitoring security devices. Furthermore, a Management Information Services (MIS) or Business Information Services (BIS) degree typically will do for the education requirements for these positions.

6 Step Six

Consider an associates degree or a "concentration" in Computer Science instead of a four-year CompSci degree. Two-year CompSci programs will expose students to the fundamentals of programming without requiring the advanced math, science, and CompSci theory coursework. Think about majoring in another degree program, such as Business, and getting a minor in CompSci if you want to work in an IT environment but aren't a wiz kid. Then, work on the technology-specific skills (through self-study certification programs, for example) for a particular job role in your spare time. A minor in CompSci makes a great addition in other fields - such as in the field of Technical Writing - by demonstrating that a candidate is "tech savvy". Therefore, if you want to write manuals for Microsoft, you probably do not need to waste the energy pursuing a B.S. in CompSci.

Overall Tips & Warnings

  • If you are dead-set on a CompSci degree, but have a hard time with math or science, consider taking these courses at community college. Community college professors tend to be more personable and most students find these subjects harder to pass at a formal university.
  • Compare the required courses between several universities before choosing a school. CompSci degree programs vary between colleges. Therefore, one school may require that you take more classes to graduate.
  • When comparing colleges, make sure that the "base" programming language used in their programming classes is the latest, cutting-edge language. The core objective of CompSci programs is to teach students "how to program", and not how to program in a given language, but focusing on the latest language will smooth the transition into the workforce after college.
  • Meet with a CompSci guidance counselor prior to enrolling, and heed their advice, but beware: the counselors are also professors and have a vested interest in filling their classrooms. Additionally, some professors have limited experience in the private sector, choosing to transition into a teaching role after graduating from a Masters or PhD program.
  • Should you attend a community college prior to enrolling in a university, make sure that all of your Computer Science classes will transfer.
  • Do not be drawn in by the higher salaries associated with CompSci degrees. It is far more important that find a job that will make you happy. Also remember that a CompSci degree does not guarantee you that you will be making more money.

How to Become a Video Game Tester


For many, there's nothing better than the thought of getting paid to play video games for eight hours a day. If you are passionate about video games, then becoming a tester is your dream job. However, video game testing if an extremely small profession and breaking into the industry can be difficult. The steps below can help you in your efforts towards becoming a video game tester.


1 Step One

Make contacts with game developers. Testing jobs don't usually show up in the classifieds section of your local news papers. Developers often give the jobs to people that actively seek them out and have proven experience.

2 Step Two

Explain your level of gaming experience. Mention in your resume how many consoles you own, how many games you play, what types of games you play and how many hours a day you play. You want to prove you're passionate about video games.

3 Step Three

Talk about how you want to improve the quality of video games. Start by discussing the role of the tester and how important it is to the development of video games.

4 Step Four

Prepare examples of your gaming method and how you're able to understand the differences between mistakes and glitches while you're playing. Show your analytical skills by talking about games you currently have and describe some of the glitches or errors you may have come across.

5 Step Five

Search for jobs using the keywords "quality assurance." Many of the smaller game developers don't employ in-house testers and instead farm the work out to testing firms. These firms don't advertise under "video game tester wanted"--that would generate too many applications from unqualified individuals looking to get paid simply for playing video games. Game companies are looking for analytical people who can operate software and report on any errors or problems with the software.

6 Step Six

Report glitches or errors. If you spot an error the producer missed in a video game, report it. Let them know what the error is, how it affects the game play and, if possible, solutions to fix the problem. This could help you generate a contact within that studio that can help get your foot in the door.

7 Step Seven

Keep sending out resumes. Game developers produce thousands of video games every year from the major console titles to mini browser games. Keep sending your resume to every producer possible, whether or not they are currently looking for testers.

Tips & Warnings

  • Dress like a professional if you get an interview. Video game testing is a professional job and while the actual working atmosphere may be more laid back, the human resources representative is looking for someone responsible and capable. Their first impression of you counts.
  • Build your resume by testing small games for the Web. These games might not be as exciting as working on the latest XBox title, but they can help build your experience to jump to that level of testing. Don't expect to get paid much, if at all, for these small games.

How to Make Money Fixing Computers 2 - Cleaning Registry Problems


This article is the second on my series on How to Make Money fixing computers with No Experience.
In this article, we will learn how to use CCleaner to remove problematic registry entries automatically.

Things You'll Need

  • CCleaner - get @ ccleaner.com/download


1 Step One

Download and install CCleaner - http://ccleaner.com/download/downloading

This is an essential program when giving a customer's computer a tune-up. It removes junk and temporary files and can remove problems in the registry as we will learn here.

2 Step Two

Once installed, start CCleaner by double-clicking on the icon on the desktop.

3 Step Three

On the left side of the screen, there is a button named Issues, click that button to switch to Registry Scanning mode.

4 Step Four

Click on the Scan for Issues button to begin the scan.

5 Step Five

Once the scan is completed, the Fix Selected Issues button becomes available. Click on that to remove the problematic registry errors.

6 Step Six

Once you remove the errors, I would recommend running the scan again. It often takes several scans to remove all the issues.

7 Step Seven

Check out other articles on learning to fix computers for money with no experience necessary.

Also, if you liked this article or felt that it helped you, please return the favor by bookmarking it below with Digg or del.icio.us. Thank you!

Overall Tips & Warnings

  • Explore the various areas of CCleaner. There are several useful functions built into this great little program.
  • Check out other articles on learning to fix computers for money with no experience necessary: http://www.ehow.com/members/yeddish-articles.html

How to Become a Video Game Developer


Video games have inspired an entire generation of people to spend countless hours in front of their computers. There's a variety of activities to enjoy such as solving puzzles, stealing cars and defeating all manner of creatures. Turn that interest into a career by becoming a video game developer. Good math skills, an eye for design and a knack for storytelling combine to make the perfect candidate to be a video game developer.


1 Step One

Play a lot of video games. Good video game developers have a serious interest in games and are on top of the latest releases and game trends. Being a video game developer is a very demanding job and people interested in the field should enter into it with a great deal of passion.

2 Step Two

Get a degree in computer science or graphic design. Place special emphasis on 3D modeling in your coursework. Learn 3D Studio Max in particular, as it is used by most major video game development companies to create the worlds you see on screen.

3 Step Three

Decide an area of specialty as a programmer or artist. Build a portfolio. Include links to online work you have produced and printouts of other designs created. Work on developing some game ideas.

4 Step Four

Get an internship or entry-level job at a video game company. The field is very competitive, so it's important to get your foot in the door. Start at a small company and work your way up. Go to trade shows and conventions to meet other developers and make connections to use for future employment.

How to Start Making Money Fixing Computers With No Experience


I have found that with a few simple skills, you can easily make a hundred dollars a day helping people with their computer problems. Immediately after you read this guide, you will have an in-demand skill for which you can charge about $50 per job which will only require about an hour of your time.
I will also post more articles that cover other topics relating to computer repair so that you can pick up a new skill with each article you read. The more you read, the more money you can make!

Things You'll Need

  • A USB flash drive is helpful. A 128MB flash drive will do fine.


1 Step One

By far, most computer problems these days are caused by spyware infection in the computer (especially in Windows XP), so first we must learn a bit about spyware. Here's the definition of spyware:
Any software that covertly gathers user information through the user's Internet connection without his or her knowledge, usually for advertising purposes. Spyware applications are typically bundled as a hidden component of freeware or shareware programs that can be downloaded from the Internet. Once installed, the spyware monitors user activity on the Internet and transmits that information in the background to someone else. Not only this, but it makes your computer SLOW!

Now we know what we are dealing with! Let's move on.

2 Step Two

Spyware does not respect the computer that it is on, so therefore, it usually slows it down quite a bit, so it must be removed. We will get a couple of programs to do that for us in the following steps and put them on our USB Flash Drive. (Best of all, these useful programs are all free!)

3 Step Three

The first program to get is CCleaner. This program can be downloaded here: http://ccleaner.com/download/downloading . Save this on your USB Drive.

This program will remove junk and temporary files from the computer which will speed up our spyware removal (and the computer, itself). It will also clean faster and better than Windows XP's built-in utilities.

4 Step Four

The next program that we want is Ad-Aware. Save this program to you USB Drive, too: http://www.download.com/3001-8022_4-10719977.html

This program does the actual detection and removal of the spyware.

Once we have these 2 programs on our USB Drive, we are ready to work on someone's computer!

5 Step Five

Now, at the computer we are working on, we must insert the USB Drive and install the 2 programs from the flash drive. Install CCleaner, then Ad-Aware.

6 Step Six

First, we must run CCleaner by double-clicking the icon that was created on the desktop. Once CCleaner opens, click the Analyze button. This will start the scan for junk files.
When it is done, the Run Cleaner button will become available. Click that to remove the junk files. We're done with CCleaner, so close it.
Very simple!

7 Step Seven

Now, we need to run Ad-Aware. Double-click the Ad-Aware icon on the desktop.

8 Step Eight

Next, click Update, then Yes or OK to any boxes that pop up. This will make the program learn about new spyware.

9 Step Nine

Once the update is done, click Scan Now.

10 Step Ten

We want to select a Full Scan here so that it looks at the entire computer.
After you've selected Full Scan, click the Scan button.

11 Step Eleven

This is what the screen will look like while you are scanning. This process will take 15-20 minutes to complete.

12 Step Twelve

Once the scan completes, right-click in the list of objects found and click Select All Objects, then click the Finish button to remove the spyware!

13 Step Thirteen

If the system seemed to be heavily infected, you may want to restart the system and run Ad-Aware again to ensure a thorough removal.

Good job! You are now a computer technician!

14 Step Fourteen

Check out other articles on learning to fix computers for money with no experience necessary.

Also, if you liked this article or felt that it helped you, please return the favor by bookmarking it below with Digg or del.icio.us. Thank you!

Overall Tips & Warnings

  • Print this page out to take with you when you work on a computer.
  • In the next article, I will explain how to use CCleaner to fix problems with the Windows Registry, so check that one out, too!
  • Check out other articles at http://www.ehow.com/members/yeddish-articles.html
  • Be careful to be honest and trust-worthy in with all your customers!
  • Don't rip people off or lie to them about their computer, you'll only end up losing customers this way!
  • Keep learning with every job and have fun!